Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Task: Make Your Own Album Cover

A task from Pete's blog which will ultimately help us in creating our individual digipaks. Couldnt locate my screenshots on the mac so here are quality iphone evidence photos.

Random wikipedia page for band name: Pennsylvania Senate District 7
Thought this was very unlikely to be a band name but i went with it!

Random quotes page for album title: Unexpected in common hours
Also unlikely but it seems all so indie.

random flickr page for album art: a flower of sorts?

The Final Product

I used pic monkey, an online photo editor and played around with the album art changing various things such as the sharpness, saturation and exposure. I also chose to keep the band name in upper case to distinguish the difference between the band name and album title since they could potentially be either. Also, i thought the orange would stand out well over the muted tones of the album art. 

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